
From the beginning of time women have been portrayed as gatherers, fragile, hysterical, naive and weak while men are hunters, robust, logical, sensible, intelligent and strong,

Documentary filmmakers Deborah Romare and Vincent Wiley reveal the myths and the truth about women since the dawn of civilization.


“The History of Women,” a feature-film documentary, will be presented using historical footage, well-preserved stock footage, newly recorded film footage and historical movie clips.

Deborah Romare will be your guide, and the voice of reason, as she interacts, comments, and connects the past, present, and future of women’s struggles with you, the viewing audience. 

In researching “The History of Women,” Romare discovered that early man were not the only hunters. She lays the groundwork to further prove that the majority of early women stood as equals, hunting alongside their male counterparts.

In her in-depth analysis Romare shares her own life’s struggles as a woman and how her own pain and life-lessons intertwine with many historical women all the way through the current #MeToo movement and beyond.

Notable Cast

Captivating footage featuring;

Gloria Steinem
Kerry Washington
Malala Yousafzai
Amanda Gorman

Greta Thunburg
Frederick Douglass
Susan B. Anthony
Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Ida B. Wells
Sojourner Truth
Marilyn Monroe
Joan of Arc

My mission in life and with this film is to awaken the world to the understanding that women are 100% equal to men. 

Deborah Romare

See The Full Length Documentary

“The History of Women” is an extraordinarily revealing, in-depth and eye-opening theatrical experience ready to be exhibited by worldwide streaming services. It will also be a valuable addition to women’s organizations, educational services and many other venues to reach women and young girls worldwide.

Script and trailer are available for viewing. The full length documentary is coming soon!
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Why This Film Matters

“We must finally ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, but women still have not reached the pinnacle of equality, so the fight for equal rights must continue until women are recognized and accepted as equals.

We have lost the right to choose, still have not had a female president, and continue to earn less money than our male counterparts – to name just a few of  many injustices. 

Join Our Revolution!


Who we are


WGA writers, producers, directors, and documentarians Wiley & Romare have developed scripts at major studios, directed and produced feature and television programing for more than 35 years, and have won many awards for their work as writers and filmmakers.